Thank you both Moray and Richard for trying to registrations more
simple and clear.

> The key thing here is there is no more "professional" category, we
> have these people book a room at the hotel directly, instead of us
> being a broker.

This person will book room directly won't go over us and everything is
absolutely clear, but how will we know if he's even registered, if
he's even coming? For example, how will we know, so we can make him
accreditation card? I'm planning accreditation card to be very
important, if you have one and if one says you're allowed to go to the
pools, then you're allowed to go to the pools. Same goes with,
daytrip, concert and other activities. I'm really not trying to
micromanage anything, but having these people listed will only give us
better way to realize how much of what we'll need to get. Tshirts for

> Pentabarf changes
> - disabilities (we'll have people mail registration@ diectly)

Not sure what this means, if someone's disabled they'll be required to
email us directly? If this is going to be done this way, in
registration confirmation email (or other) there should be a note they
should do so.

I like this one:

> hide these fields (the proper way -- these fields get activated later
> on):
> - reconfirm attendance
> - day trip
> - maybe 'assassins' too, until someone agrees to run it

When it comes to assassins, you could deactivate this one for good :)

Registrations as they are now ... I'm sorry but they are complete
mystery to me right now. There's option to apply for food and
accommodation sponsorship, but where's travel sponsorship?

I would have it this way:

+ Sponsored
+ Corporate (€XXX)

Once person hovers over any of these, there would be a "tooltip"
explaining them what each moneys and what they get from each.

Once person has clicked on "Sponsored" they would have three options:

- Food
- Accommodation
- Travel

Under all of this there could be explanation how the sponsorship
process works, and in case they are denied they'll be let know, but
same thing is by how sponsorships are determined, that is by their
work within the project. And so on.

+ Corporate (€XXX)

I'm not sure what should be displayed after this is clicked, for main
reason I'm not sure what's happening once this is clicked. If
professional category doesn't exist anymore, and they do things on
their own, what does Corporate do in this case, they donate some of
the money, that is they pay for Travel or/and Food or/and Sponsorship?

I understand you're trying to simplify registration process, but let's
not simplify it to the point of not being clear or usable.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 1:08 AM, Richard Darst <> wrote:
> Hi,
> One more suggestion: Stop directing people to
> and instead put that info on
> dc11/registration and directly to the account creation and conference
> registration pages.  Some past DebConfs did this.  It is one fewer
> thing to forget about updating things...
> could even redirect to dc11/registration.xhtml
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 04:55:36PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Freitag, 11. März 2011, Richard Darst wrote:
>> > Moray and I went through and listed pentabarf changes to make and
>> > along with it, the rough registration plan.
>> Thank you very much for doing so! Looks good to me except...
>> > Pentabarf changes
>> > =================
>> >
>> > remove these fields:
>> > - disabilities (we'll have people mail registration@ diectly)
>> I'm not sure this is sensible like this. If we remove the field, we should
>> have a prominent note inside penta (and/or in the autoreplys) saying we will
>> handle persons need individually if we get to know via email to adress@
> Definitely, but perhaps it could be on dc11/registration.xhtml?  In
> fact, antiharrassment@{debian,debconf}.org would be good to mention
> there too.
> For DC10, people with this field checked were just (eventually)
> emailed and 95% replied saying "oh, I don't need anything".  (And
> people who checked it after that batch never got anything).  Emailing
> us is simplest and least likely to get lost.
>> > Registration option A
>> > ---------------------
>> >
>> > - accommodation: question ONLY for sponsored people:
>> >   * Reserve sponsored accommodation for me (ONLY display for Sponsored
>> >     status, but needs to be default for that)
>> >   * I will arrange my own accommodation
>> >
>> > Registration option B
>> > ---------------------
>> >
>> > - accommodation: question ONLY for sponsored people:
>> >   * I will arrange my own accommodation (default option)
>> >   * Reserve sponsored accommodation for me (ONLY display for Sponsored
>> >     status)
>> What should be displayed there until sponsorship has been decided, which is
>> usually quite close to the conf? "Nothing"? IMO there should be a note saying
>> (inside the penta interface) "if your sponsorship request is granted you will
>> be eligble for sponsored accomodation" or such.
> This is a good point.  We had thought that "Reserve sponsored
> accommodation for me" would be the equivalent of "Regular room" in the
> past - if you have that + in sponsored category, then you are on track
> for getting sponsorship.  In past years, those few denied sponsorship
> were then moved to the "unsponsored" category.
> However, you have an interesting idea about using "accom" (and "food")
> to indicate sponsorship received or not...
> (moray: I just realized that option B doesn't have a way to say
> "doesn't have food sponsorship" yet, at least not in penta.)
> - richard
> --
> | Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 600 days, 18:26
> |    -  pgp 0xBD356740
> | "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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