
Moray and I went through and listed pentabarf changes to make and
along with it, the rough registration plan.

This needs a good checking by local people (that it is practical) and
global people (that it's what we want).  I think this sort of
represents what was discussed at the last global team meeting.

The key thing here is there is no more "professional" category, we
have these people book a room at the hotel directly, instead of us
being a broker.

I sort of prefer option A, but it can go either way.

In some other threads, there are more questions about food /
accommodation / hotels which we need to know before we can finalize
the registration categories and open registration.

Any questions/comments?


- Richard

Pentabarf changes

remove these fields:
- disabilities (we'll have people mail registration@ diectly)
- computer
- OK being photographed (unless someone will actually do something
  with it)
- address except country   (do we need this for anything here?)
- "special transport requirements" - we'll have them mail
  registration@ directly

hide these fields (the proper way -- these fields get activated later
- reconfirm attendance
- day trip
- maybe 'assassins' too, until someone agrees to run it

Registration option A

change these fields  (XXX how do we want to do this?):
- Category:
  * Corporate registration (€XXX)
  * Registration only (sponsored)                     [internal: 'unsponsored']
  * Registration + accommodation + food (sponsored)   [internal: 'sponsored']

- accommodation: question ONLY for sponsored people:
  * Reserve sponsored accommodation for me (ONLY display for Sponsored
    status, but needs to be default for that)
  * I will arrange my own accommodation

- food options as for dc10

Registration option B

- Category:
  * Corporate registration (€XXX)
  * Registration (sponsored)

- accommodation: question ONLY for sponsored people:
  * I will arrange my own accommodation (default option)
  * Reserve sponsored accommodation for me (ONLY display for Sponsored

- food options as for dc10

Registration text for website

This corresponds to option A (we did this since if it's simple to
explain, that is a sign it is a good registration system):

There are three categories for registration for DebConf11.

*Registration + accommodation + food (sponsored)* is the category
which includes sponsored food and accommodation.  You must register
for this category by DEADLINE.  In this category, you are free to help
defray the cost of your attendance by making a donation towards the
cost of accommodation or decline our food tickets on-site.

*Registration only (sponsored)* includes attendance at the
conference.  However, you must book accommodations yourself through
our hotel, and pay for your own food on-site.  You are able to stay
with the group and eat with the group.  This category is targeted
towards those who can get reimbursement through some other
organization for the costs of attendance.

*Corporate registration* is like "Registration only" for those who
would like to support DebConf even more, perhaps by a company or
university sponsoring the registration fee.

If you would like an invoice for any part of a fee or donation made,
please mail registrat...@debconf.org with: a) names of attendee(s) and
registration categories  b) organisation and address to be invoiced c)
whether you need a FFIS (Euro) or SPI (USD) invoice d) list of
payments/donations made and how you would like them recorded.

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