
Who is the best person to answer this question?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: licensing question for Eben's Debconf video
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 17:01:51 -0500
From: Ian Sullivan <sulli...@softwarefreedom.org>
To: Gabriella Coleman <bie...@nyu.edu>

Hi Biella,

How are you doing?

I've got a (hopefully) simple questions related to the video of Eben's
DebConf speech. My apologies if you are the wrong person to ask about
this, I'm not sure whether it is a policy question.

We're trying to get all of Eben's FreedomBox-related speeches online in
a central place and that would be much simplified if we could have a
copy of Eben's DebConf video under CC-BY-SA rather than the BSD-like
license from the archive site
(http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/LICENSE). As the
speaker, is Eben able to request that license for his talk? If so I'd
just need an email from the relevant giving Eben or SFLC permission to
use the video under the new license since I already have a copy of the



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