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pub 2048R/01FBB71F 2010-08-09
Key fingerprint = A8E5 B584 14AD 8811 578E  5E17 3B3E D480 01FB B71F
uid Vladimir Atanackovic (BLUUG.ORG key) 
sub 2048R/E400CCEA 2010-08-09 pub 2048R/01FBB71F 2010-08-09
XMPP = va...@jabberd.bluug.org

On Wed, 2011-03-09 at 14:32 -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday we had a DebConf11 global team meeting. I agreed I'd write a
> summary, but thanks to Richard Darst's Meetbot, it's almost a
> copy+paste exercise ;-) So, a decent summary and full log can be found
> respectively at:
> http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2011/debconf-team.2011-03-08-20.01.html
> http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2011/debconf-team.2011-03-08-20.01.log.html
> The points we covered (and most prominent points in them) are:
>    1. say hi, why you're here, etc :-)
>    2. say hi, why you're here, etc :-) also add topics to Wiki
> Everybody said hi, and greeted each other. Then we did it more.
>    3. dc10 final report status
> The status report's articles are ready, and Richard (who is
> coordinating the effort) is happy with what we have got. We need two
> actions, still: More proofreading/correcting¹ and assembling the
> separate articles into a good-looking, coherent presentable format
> (PDF most probably - Tools such as Scribus have been used in the past
> for this task). 
> Tiago is volunteering for assembling the articles together; the goal
> is set to having the final version ready in a week time (by Monday
> 14/mar)
>    4.  Registration process for dc11
> In order to simplify the registration process, nonsponsored
> (professional, corporate) attendees will deal directly with the hotel
> staff, so the DebConf team does not fill the role of a travel
> agent/intermediary. 
> About food, as the restaurant will take orders, we will simplify the
> registration process by letting peolpe decide what they want to eat
> on-site and pay there.
> I signed up for tweaking Pentabarf (but have not yet checked with
> h01ger all the needed details - So as of right now, it is just a
> promise ;-) ). Any requests regarding the information flow in Penta
> will then go through my hands. Of course, if anybody is willing to do
> some more Ruby hacking, I am more than happy not to be the only one!
>    5. - the mystic NGO's
> Earlier yesterday there was a thread in
> debconf-{team,sponsors}@l.dc.o² regarding the role that the
> Non-Government Organization DIVA will play in Debian. The information
> is much better laid out in the thread in question².
> As DIVA will handle Debian money (receiving from sponsors, routing to
> whatever expenses we have), it still has some discussions to
> undergo. We expect them to happen on the (-team, -sponsors) mailing
> lists. 
>    6. sponsorship
>    7. sponsorship
> (why the double #topic? Nevermind...)
> The local team will be talking with local potential sponsors (Adnan
> insists on taking lead on that process). Still, until we get DIVA's
> status/working details properly ironed out, we will prefer to start
> contacting and committing sponsors, but not yet receiving money. That
> should be sorted out soon, anyway.
> There is a need to hold a sponsorship team meeting, and the dates for
> it should be discussed on list ASAP. It is suggested to be held on the
> 15th, 20:00 UTC.
>    8. - Next meeting/Any Other Business
>               Visas
> Regarding the visas, Adnan insists us to be calmed about it as he
> knows some people will help us. We still need to start collecting the
> details about people requiring the tramit, so a team informally
> assembled to collect the required information (aroundthfur, edgar,
> jaqm, AbsintheSyringe, Mr. President). We should include the needed
> information in Penta to reduce complexities and lost documents!
> Just FWIW, for those of us planning to get to Bosnia by land, we will
> very likely cross Croatia. Croatia is a very visa-friendly countries,
> although it _does_ require visa for some. Check with the Croatian
> foreign affairs page³ for your country!
>       DebConf 12 bids
> Finally, the DebConf 12 final decision is drawing near! Make sure to
> ask DC12 bids questions - read the DC12 bid documents, and ask them
> about anything unclear or undesirable. The decision meeting will take
> place on March 22, 20:00 UTC, under the moderated and rigid scheme
> similar to what we have used for several past years.
>    9. next meeting
> See you for the next meeting at March 29th, 20 UTC.
> --
> ¹ http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20110224.063710.50c39f51.en.html
> ² http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20110308.232309.ce9231cf.en.html
> ³ http://www.mfa.hr/MVP.asp?pcpid=1615
> _______________________________________________
> Debconf-team mailing list
> Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org
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