
Yesterday we had a DebConf11 global team meeting. I agreed I'd write a
summary, but thanks to Richard Darst's Meetbot, it's almost a
copy+paste exercise ;-) So, a decent summary and full log can be found
respectively at:


The points we covered (and most prominent points in them) are:

   1. say hi, why you're here, etc :-)
   2. say hi, why you're here, etc :-) also add topics to Wiki

Everybody said hi, and greeted each other. Then we did it more.

   3. dc10 final report status

The status report's articles are ready, and Richard (who is
coordinating the effort) is happy with what we have got. We need two
actions, still: More proofreading/correcting¹ and assembling the
separate articles into a good-looking, coherent presentable format
(PDF most probably - Tools such as Scribus have been used in the past
for this task). 

Tiago is volunteering for assembling the articles together; the goal
is set to having the final version ready in a week time (by Monday

   4.  Registration process for dc11

In order to simplify the registration process, nonsponsored
(professional, corporate) attendees will deal directly with the hotel
staff, so the DebConf team does not fill the role of a travel

About food, as the restaurant will take orders, we will simplify the
registration process by letting peolpe decide what they want to eat
on-site and pay there.

I signed up for tweaking Pentabarf (but have not yet checked with
h01ger all the needed details - So as of right now, it is just a
promise ;-) ). Any requests regarding the information flow in Penta
will then go through my hands. Of course, if anybody is willing to do
some more Ruby hacking, I am more than happy not to be the only one!

   5. - the mystic NGO's

Earlier yesterday there was a thread in
debconf-{team,sponsors}@l.dc.o² regarding the role that the
Non-Government Organization DIVA will play in Debian. The information
is much better laid out in the thread in question².

As DIVA will handle Debian money (receiving from sponsors, routing to
whatever expenses we have), it still has some discussions to
undergo. We expect them to happen on the (-team, -sponsors) mailing

   6. sponsorship
   7. sponsorship

(why the double #topic? Nevermind...)

The local team will be talking with local potential sponsors (Adnan
insists on taking lead on that process). Still, until we get DIVA's
status/working details properly ironed out, we will prefer to start
contacting and committing sponsors, but not yet receiving money. That
should be sorted out soon, anyway.

There is a need to hold a sponsorship team meeting, and the dates for
it should be discussed on list ASAP. It is suggested to be held on the
15th, 20:00 UTC.

   8. - Next meeting/Any Other Business


Regarding the visas, Adnan insists us to be calmed about it as he
knows some people will help us. We still need to start collecting the
details about people requiring the tramit, so a team informally
assembled to collect the required information (aroundthfur, edgar,
jaqm, AbsintheSyringe, Mr. President). We should include the needed
information in Penta to reduce complexities and lost documents!

Just FWIW, for those of us planning to get to Bosnia by land, we will
very likely cross Croatia. Croatia is a very visa-friendly countries,
although it _does_ require visa for some. Check with the Croatian
foreign affairs page³ for your country!

        DebConf 12 bids

Finally, the DebConf 12 final decision is drawing near! Make sure to
ask DC12 bids questions - read the DC12 bid documents, and ask them
about anything unclear or undesirable. The decision meeting will take
place on March 22, 20:00 UTC, under the moderated and rigid scheme
similar to what we have used for several past years.

   9. next meeting

See you for the next meeting at March 29th, 20 UTC.


¹ http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20110224.063710.50c39f51.en.html

² http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20110308.232309.ce9231cf.en.html

³ http://www.mfa.hr/MVP.asp?pcpid=1615

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