On 12409 March 1977, Richard Darst wrote:

> Do we want to use Pentabarf?  (assuming yes since it's a bit late to
> change).  If so, what needs to be done to it before we can start?

Pentabarf side we need

 1 someone to fixup the static html of http://penta.debconf.org
 2 create the dc11 entry in pentabarf
 3 someone to come up with the needed changes in the way/data we ask of
   the attendees, if any
 4 implementation of those changes

Point 1 should be easy for the webteam, 2 is simple, 4 is not too hard
PROVIDED someone thoroughly did 3. If 3 sucks, then 4 will suck and drag

bye, Joerg
[GPG Keysigning stuff]
The web of thrust would become completely unthrustful.
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