On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Richard Darst <r...@zgib.net> wrote:
> - How do you recommend non-sponsored attendees work?  Reserve rooms
>  through DebConf, or to the hotels directly?
> - How late can we cancel things (hotels, food) for attendees who
>  find they can't come.
> - Any other restrictions in terms of getting things reserved for
>  attendees and collecting payments for non-sponsored attendees (I'm
>  sure I am missing a lot).

Hint for all these: it's *much* easier if we can get non-sponsored
people to interact directly with the hotel, rather than being a
middle-man for bookings and payments.  This also avoids us having to
be in the argument when people want to cancel at the last moment.

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