On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 10:41 PM, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <ti...@debian.org> wrote:
> If by "outside of Debian" you mean someone who is not a DD, but a trusted part
> of the community, I see no problem. I was invited to be part of sponsorship
> team before becoming DD.

I meant strictly people that don't have anything to do with Debian, until now!
Not to invite them to the sponsors-team per say, but ask them for
advice, their help on getting sponsors, but not giving them insight
into more "delicate" stuff.

I asked because i think this is a rather unconventional idea, but
seemed plausible since there's not enough ppl from Debian currently in
the sponsors-team, and it will be a huge problem in about a month or

Oh, and once again, i call on all of you that can help by joining the
sponsors-team, to do it now!
Thank you in advance for doing so :)

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