On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Moray Allan <mo...@sermisy.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Velimir Iveljic
> Yes, people don't need to be already involved in Debian to help on
> DebConf, including on sponsorship, though obviously it helps if the
> people contacting possible sponsors have a good knowledge of Debian
> and of DebConf.  Getting advice and help from not-yet-involved people
> with experience or contacts is definitely a good idea.
I thought so too, but i had to ask for opinions :)

> The only constraint is that information on sponsorship negotiations is
> usually confidential, and sometimes the details of the sponsorships
> finally agreed are too.  So, obviously, the people who are involved
> need to be trusted, and if they are only helping in a specific case it
> may be better to avoid unnecessarily giving them full access to the
> sponsorship records.
This is how i imagined it in the first place. I had some ppl ask if
they could help in anyway, but they are not involved with Debian, so i
didn't pursue this any longer with them. But i might just go back and
talk to them after i know this now :)

Thank you for the answers!

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