On 11/24/2010 08:50 AM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Velimir Iveljic dijo [Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 01:25:31PM +0100]:
>> So as i see nobody has anything more to say on the this, which is not what
>> we expected, since we agreed at the last IRC meeting on #debconf-team that
>> there's going to be more discussion on this :S
>> Because of this, and because we need to decide the final DebConf11 dates
>> soon, we would like to propose a different set of dates for DebCamp11 and
>> DebConf11:
>> DebCamp 17 - 23 July (17th is Sunday)
>> DebConf 24 - 30 July (24th is Sunday)
>> (...)
>> We look forward for your opinions :)
> This makes me very happy, I will have a much easier time getting my
> (individual, yes) permissions and stuff in order. And yes, leaving no
> overlap with a major Free Software conference in the same geographic
> area is a nice plus. Also, being week-aligned makes transportation
> issues much less of an issue. I hope the proposed dates become final.

I feel the same - these dates sound ideal for travel days, Ramadan, and 
for those that wish to attend Desktop Summit and Chaos Comm. Camp.

Kind regards,
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