Actually, we've discussed dates during our meetings at DC10 in NYC and
I was pushing strongly in favor of mentioned dates because I'd like to
see DebCamp + DebConf finished before the start of Muslim holly month
of Ramadan. Local team members openly criticized me for bringing that
up, but my reasons are not purely based on religion, but rather on
logistics, local demographics and a very long experience of organizing
and attending local events. Without going into too much details, I'm
quite sure that having camp and the conference one week earlier would
bring more local IT attendees who'd stay in Banja Luka during course
of the conference. We had a vote on this "idea" and more people from
local team were against it due to some expected, but not confirmed,
local music fest around same time, and I'm ok with that decision since
it's coming from the team itself. It definitely shows how team is
supposed to work most of the time.

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up at all, if Desktop Summit wasn't
mentioned and it wouldn't be fair that I've answered how I remembered
Desktop Summit back then:)


On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Ana Guerrero <> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 09:52:10PM +0100, Enis Sahinovic wrote:
>> Ana, you made a slight mistake, I suppose you meant having DebConf on
>> July, 24-30th, rather than August?:) That would put DebCamp from July,
>> 17th to 24th.
> Yes, I mean July, this is getting contagious =) thanks Enis.
>> I'm very much in favor of those dates when compared to the original
>> plan, but I guess we need more input from others as well.
> As localteam member, do you see any advantages on having DebConf
> on 24-30th July instead the following week?
> Ana
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