Ok, I am completely basing this mail on the one you sent last year
[1]. Please comment on this, we should be sending it within this week.
Of course, by just changing the numbers here, I am not only
vounteering for signing this mail, but for coordinating the DC12 bid
process (as Jimmy said he will devote his attention to law school
during this year).

    Hi all, 

    Every year, the location for DebConf, the annual international
    Debian conference, is selected via a competitive bid
    process. Although we haven't got to DebConf10 yet, organising a
    conference isn't quick, so it's already time to start thinking
    about a location for DebConf12.

    We encourage everyone to think about whether their city would make
    a good DebConf location, and, if it would, to start working on a
    proposal. (You don't have to be heavily involved in Debian before
    making a bid.) There will be a chance to present your proposed
    location at DebConf10 in New York in July and August, but don't
    worry if you can't be there -- proposals will be accepted until
    the end of the year, and a final decision will be made early in

    Interested? For more information see

    Join us on #debconf-team on irc.debian.org to let us know what
    you're working on. We'll be glad to answer any questions you have
    about organising DebConf or about the process for choosing the

    Thanks, and see you at DebConf10 in New York! 

    ~~ The DebConf team 

[1] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20090528.162709.c0442437.en.html 

Gunnar Wolf • gw...@gwolf.org • (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244

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