Jimmy Kaplowitz dijo [Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:48:02AM -0400]:
> Hi,
> If we want people to have started preparing DebConf12 proposals in time for 
> the
> presentation at DC10, we should send an initial call for proposals email soon.
> Does someone want to work on it? I can if desired, but don't want to be a 
> major
> part of the process since I intend to do much less DebConf orga stuff during
> the 2010-2011 schoolyear while I start law school. I would much prefer to 
> yield
> to people who will be participating fully in the location selection cycle.
> This should not detract from the consensus that changes from the existing
> decision meeting procedure are necessary; they very much are. Despite that,
> everyone seemed to be fine with the part of the procedure where proposals are
> solicited from before DebConfN-2 until end of the year 2000+N-2, and people 
> can
> present their ideas or partial proposals during the session at DebConfN-2 if
> they are ready. Please accept my apologies if I have misrepresented the 
> general
> opinions here.
> Does someone want to take this and follow through? I am happy to hand off
> ownership of the DebConf12 event at DC10 to such a person, though I will just
> as happily be in the audience for it and share the slides I used for the DC11
> proposal session at DC9.

I'll bite :-)


Gunnar Wolf • gw...@gwolf.org • (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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