Hi guys I  did apply for sponsorship (meals and board - no travel).  I think
at least twice I was moved to that category that does not include any food
or accomodation.

I applied April 13th, and got my penta registration email and signed up to
the debconf mailing lists, and I have email documentation of this.  I then
resubmitted May 5th, and here I am now uncertain if I will be able to

I hope this can be invested further and the error corrected.  Thank you.



On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 7:51 PM, DebConf Registration Team <
registrat...@debconf.org> wrote:

> Hello Rohit Mehta,
> This (automated) message is being sent to attendees to remind you
> about reconfirmation of your attendance, and to let you know of any
> errors in the registration, or other things which you should know
> about.  Please look over the items below, and correct any problems
> which may be present.  Some things are just warnings or notes, and
> won't apply to most people.  These are clearly labeled, if one doesn't
> apply to you, please ignore it.
> Because this is an automated message, perhaps there are false
> positives on the errors or warnings listed here.  If you know that
> something does not apply to you or you have contacted us previously,
> please disregard.  If you have any questions, please contact us via
> IRC:
>  #debconf-team @ irc.oftc.net   (real-time questions)
> or mailing list:
>  debconf-team@lists.debconf.org (publically archived mail list)
> or non-public email:
>  registrat...@debconf.org
> The registration system URL is
>  https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc10/person
> The notes below each item give hints on where to look in our
> registration for the relevant fields for each item.
> Please check that everything is updated by the reconfirmation deadline
> of June 10th!  Travel sponsorship announcements were sent in a
> seperate mail on May 28th, 2010.  Please see below for information
> about food and lodging sponsorship.  Even if you aren't being
> sponsored, registration estimates are required for sponsorship and
> budgeting planning.
> Information about your registration
> ===================================
>    This item is just to verify your registration:
>      Registration Category:   Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation
>      Debian status:           Otherwise involved in Debian
>      Accommodation requested: On-campus room
>      Food requested:          Vegan (strict vegetarian)
>      Reconfirmed:             True
>    Your currently listed arrival and departure dates at the venue are:
>      Arrival date:            None
>      Departure date:          None
>    Please ensure that these categories are correct and update
>    anything needed.
>    You haven't requested sponsorship - thank you for supporting
>    DebConf by helping to secure your own funds.
>    If you know of any organization which could help support
>    DebConf financially, please contact spons...@debconf.org -- we
>    still need more funds to help make DebConf a better conference
>    and to allow us to sponsor more people.
>    Some registration options have been recently enabled:
>    * Reconfirmation - Deadline to reconfirm is June 10.  Sometime
>      before then please take a moment to decide whether you will
>      be attending for sure. This year accommodations are quite
>      expensive, if you reconfirm and fail to attend without a
>      very good reason, this might negatively reflect in your
>      chances of getting sponsored accommodation for future
>      DebConfs. We also reserve the right to NMU your packages
>      breaking them in subtle but annoying ways.  (If you haven't
>      reconfirmed yet, more information is below)
>    * Day trip preference - please see and let us know.
>        http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/DayTrip
>    * Room preferences:
>      For room information, please see
>        http://debconf10.debconf.org/accommodation.xhtml
>      and let us know what type of room you would like and any
>      preferences for a roommate.
>    Our university residence halls have a minimum age of 13 years
>    old.  Thus, in order to stay in our accommodations, everyone
>    must be at least 13 years old.  This is due to New York State
>    law requiring child safety features in high-rise buildings,
>    which our university residence halls are not equipped with.
>    Please let us know if this affects your plans.  This _only_
>    affects accommodation, all other parts of DebConf have no age
>    limit.
> Registration errors and warnings
> ================================
>    You haven't marked an arrival date.  If you are staying in our
>    accommodations, you should have an arrival date by the
>    reconfirmation deadline.  Even if you aren't staying in our
>    accommodations, please fill this out as soon as you can.
>    Arrival time (e.g. afternoon vs evening) isn't as important
>    now.
>      Penta -> Travel -> 'Date of arrival'
>    You haven't marked a departure date.  If you are staying in
>    our accommodations, you should try to have a listed departure
>    date by the reconfirmation deadline.  Even if you aren't
>    staying in our accommodations, please fill this out as soon as
>    you can.  Departure time (for example, morning vs afternoon)
>    isn't as important right now.
>      Penta -> Travel -> 'Date of departure'
>    You don't have a country selected.  You aren't required to
>    tell us a country, however, selecting one will greatly help us
>    produce good demographic data.  Please consider setting a
>    country.
>      Penta -> Contact -> Address -> Country
>    You are in a category that doesn't include food:
>      Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation
>    but are listed as requesting food:
>      Vegan (strict vegetarian)
>    This is all right, this is just a warning that you'll need to
>    pay in order to be able to eat with us.  The cost will be on
>    the order of $15/meal.  There will be a way to let us know
>    what days you'd like to eat with us, so you only need to pay
>    for food you eat with us whether or not you are sponsored.
>      Penta -> General -> General section -> Category
>      Penta -> General -> DebConf -> Food
>    You are in a category that doesn't include accommodation:
>      Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation
>    but are listed as requesting accommodation:
>      On-campus room
>    This is all right, this is just a warning that you'll need to
>    pay in order to be able to stay with us.  The cost will be on
>    the order of $53/day.
>      Penta -> General -> General section -> Category
>      Penta -> General -> DebConf -> Accommodation
> Thank you,
> --
> Richard Darst
> On behalf of the DebConf team
Debconf-team mailing list

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