
It is good to get things moving fast :)

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:40:19PM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:
> I created this page last night
>   http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/SponsorshipReview
> to use for drafting plans for a sponsorship review.  So far that is
> just my work, so other people should update it to make it a) agreeable
> to the global team b) not be so poorly written.

I have added a second proporsal about the DebCamp plan that I think is a bit
more clear. More feedback welcome. 
We can update the criteria as we go for the list of people.

> Here is a proposed list of what we should do now:
> - I send mail to all attendees, saying
>   - We need to review sponsorship.
>   - Fill in Travel -> What are you doing for debian?
>   - If you are going to DebCamp, make sure you have a good debcamp
>     reason.

Richard, could we send this email tonight to *everybody* who asked sponsorship?
There is a email alias to send the email from where people can answer if they
have doubts?
The exaclty wording of the email could be prepared by IRC.

> - If you want to volunteer to review DebCamp or DebConf sponsorships,
>   reply to this mail.  If you can lead one or both of these team, say
>   so.  Ana has volunteered - Ana, can you lead the teams?

I am happy if you think this help. 

> - Teams collect lists of people somewhere, and the teams report the
>   results of their searching, then the global team decides where to draw
>   the line based on what our demographics look like.

I would suggest doing this in the following way (open to improvements):
- people in the team get a list of the data and research people in their own 
following the criteria given in the wiki page.
- do a IRC meeting the weekend and review people.
Even if we have more than 200 people asking sponsorship, I honestly think 
most of the people is easy.

> This needs to be done Real Soon.  Can we target to Thursday being
> ideal and Saturday morning being latest we want?

Who else has some time from here to the weekend and wants to help on this?

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