
I created this page last night
to use for drafting plans for a sponsorship review.  So far that is
just my work, so other people should update it to make it a) agreeable
to the global team b) not be so poorly written.

Here is a proposed list of what we should do now:

- I send mail to all attendees, saying
  - We need to review sponsorship.
  - Fill in Travel -> What are you doing for debian?
  - If you are going to DebCamp, make sure you have a good debcamp

- I have a text file for reviewing debcamp work plans.  I'll make a
  similar thing for reviewing DebConf sponsorship, so that it is
  easier than having to slog through pentabarf.

- If you want to volunteer to review DebCamp or DebConf sponsorships,
  reply to this mail.  If you can lead one or both of these team, say
  so.  Ana has volunteered - Ana, can you lead the teams?

- Teams collect lists of people somewhere, and the teams report the
  results of their searching, then the global team decides where to draw
  the line based on what our demographics look like.

This needs to be done Real Soon.  Can we target to Thursday being
ideal and Saturday morning being latest we want?

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 314 days, 13:21
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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