also sprach Jimmy Kaplowitz <> [2009.10.14.1823 +0200]:
>       - all lodging in one building

I like.

> Cons: - we might not be able to get sufficient lodging to use this option
>         due to possible renovations; would know for sure at an unknown time
>         in november
>       - some lodging slightly further away than in option b) but still
>         manageable

How far?

>       - doesn't coincide with European vacations

How many of us are affected by school vacations?

>       - lodging doesn't have air conditioning

That's good for the environment!

> Thoughts? My vote is b), though both have compelling aspects to them.

My vote is a).

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team; press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf10: New York, USA:
beauty, brains, availability, personality; pick any two.

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