
On Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> I just had a look at the company where i usually buy network cables:
> pollin.de. For 100m patch cable for confection they want 29 EUR. That
> would make ~87 EUR for 300m. Order-Number: 94-560 553. From what i can
> see (okay, did not investigate that much) they do not want additional
> fees for sending to stuff to Spain.

Sounds good. So how much should we buy now? A kilometer? 1.5km? And then buy 
the rest in Caceres if we need more? 

We definitly will need a lot of cable to distribute 10-15 APs in the venue 
(and volunteers to do so and to configure the APs (they all run OpenWRT but 
need to be installed. I can provide images for flashing but I would like 
someone else to do the job...) plus we need some for the video network and 
probably also for the normal network, though we might be able to use existing 
cables for that.

So in summary I propose to buy 1.5km cable and in worst case we will have 
bought a kilometer too much and wasted 260 Euros. I think thats a "better 
worse case" than not being able to set up the network, work, prepare video, 
etc due to some silly missing cat5 cable.



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