On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 06:21:47PM +0200, César Gómez Martín said:
> Hi all.
> These are the prices I got for the network cables CAT5:
> - 305 meters = 117 €
> - 100 connectors = 45 €
> Normal price:
> - 305 meters = 137 €
> - 100 connectors = 62 €
> What do you think?

Those prices are about normal.  One thing I might do before buying is to
check with Julia Freeman - she and some coworkers of hers did a lovely
job with helping us cable in EDI, and she is scheduled to arrive for the
first day of debconf.  I remember she brought quite a lot of cabling and
so on to EDI, and while I haven't checked with her for this year, she
may be willing to donate time and cabling again.

On the other hand, this may be more effort than it's worth for a few
hundred €, but I thought I'd mention it.

|  Stephen Gran                  | Avoid contact with eyes.                |
|  st...@lobefin.net             |                                         |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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