Moin moin,

On Freitag, 19. Juni 2009, Christian Perrier wrote:
> While I'm at it, does that kitchen have some other material such as
> plates/knives/glasses/etc. that we could use.

I very much guess so. (They have stuff for sure, but... :)

> Another thing about all this: I missed that final arrangmenets made
> for hosting and conference, so I'm kinda lost. Is the conference (and
> hacking) place in the same place than sleeping place? Is it close or
> is it "far"?

the main accomodation (=for 140 people) is at the venue where DebCamp and 
DebConf will take place. the second accomodation is located in the old town 
of Caceres, approx 1km away.

> And, when talking about the right  place to have the C&W: is that
> place close to the conference/hacking venue or close to the sleeping
> venue (if both are diffeernt, of course). That includes the kitchen
> we're talking about.

the best place for the C&W party is the patio ("inside garden") located within 
the venues walls. its, I dunno, 30x40m in size, or such. it's big. the 
kitchen is very close from there.

> I'm also wondering about a right place to buy bread...though I'm less
> worried for Spain than I was in Scotland (where we ended up grabbing
> all "baguettes" in a supermarket at the very last minute).

dont worry, be happy :-)

> Sorry to be keeping asking questions but experience shows that details
> count for the C&W....and the more we organize *before* the Debconf
> starts, the better the party ends up to be..:-)

I'm looking very much forward to it! 


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