Not really sure what events Josip is referring to, but if they are
willing to pay their own way, I think it seems ok. IE: They aren't
taking sponsor's money. The main thing we would have to be careful of
is, overbooking of a venues due to non Debian people signing up.
(There should always be preference for Debian contributors).

Maybe, there is an opportunity here. If you want to bring a non-Debian
person, you need to sponsor both the non Debian person and a Debian
person. (Just a thought).

(Keep in mind this is from an outsider's point of view, as I am
relatively new to the Debian community)


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Holger Levsen <> wrote:
> Hi Josip,
> On Samstag, 14. März 2009, Josip Rodin wrote:
>> I'm going to be attending DebConf this year, but I'm not sure if I'll be
>> able to secure sponsorship for everything from my employer. I think it'll
>> happen, but I can't be sure this early in the year, what with all the
>> crisis talk and whatnot. Is it okay that I register now for a full
>> sponsorship, and then cancel some or all of it later on?
> Yes, sure. We are happy about anyone who comes and doesnt need the sponsorship
> requested.
>> Second question - is it possible for my girlfriend who will accompany me,
>> to register for any of the sponsored things, even though she has no formal
>> association with Debian?
> No, I don't think so. We raise the sponsorship money to improve Debian and the
> sponsors give it for that purpose. I dont see how that qualifies, sorry.
> (I assume free drinks at a sponsored party or maybe sponsored participation at
> the daytrip (_if_ we get that...) might be fine, but thats not what you are
> asking for.)
> regards,
>        Holger
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