
Actually purple color + lion looks exactly as a conference to be hold in 
Burgos, in the north of Spain, were "El Cid" was born. It would be 
totally wrong, as Burgos is part of Castile, a different Autonomous 
Community with a goverment of a different party - you know, additional 
problems :-)

I would use Green + Black (white background) colors plus an a-corn symbol.


Daniel Campos
gnuLinEx team

César Gómez Martín escribió:
> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Valessio S Brito
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> http://valessiobrito.info/projetos/debconf/debconf9/proposal01.svg
> Hello. Thanks for the logo Valessio!!!
> Although I like the logo, I would propose to use the colors of
> Extremadura's flag (green, white and black), and something that
> distinguish Extremadura or Cáceres from the rest of the world.
> The lion itself doesn't really have anything to do with Extremadura,
> it is in Cáceres' coat of arms because Cáceres was a former city of
> the Kingdom of León.
> I can give you some tips: acorn, stork, jamón, cherry, Torre de Bujaco, etc.
> Best regards,
> César.

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