Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 August 2008 18:41, Margarita Manterola wrote:
>> DebianDay was introduced in 2005.  Ever since then, we've been
>> struggling to make it happen.  This year, due to several factors, it
>> ended up being a lot of effort and having about 100 participants.
> Was it really that much effort? I guess you mean it was too much effort for 
> 100 participants (which I'm not sure I would agree with..)? 

I know of a Belgian CentOS developer who attended only DebianDay in
Buenos Aires and was surprised in not seeing me (unfortunately I was
already on a plane home)...

I agree with Holger that DebianDay should be an event for users (and
developers), I think the DebianDay in Mexico 2 years ago was a great
example of that...

Btw, I don't know what the CentOS developer was doing in Argentina as I
met him last weekend at FrosCon, Germany ;-)


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