Margarita Manterola dijo [Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 01:41:39PM -0300]:
> 1) Do *NOT* do it at the end of DebConf.  This was a BIG mistake on
> our side, we were too tired to do things properly, and it took away
> one resting day for us.
> 2) Do *NOT* do it at a different venue.  DebianDay was not recorded
> because it was too much effort to setup everything again there.

Of course, this is the first time it's done at the end and somewhere
else - but it made sense, after all. There are way more potentially
interested people in Buenos Aires than in Mar del Plata; I guess that
holding DebianDay at Mar del Plata at the beginning of DebcConf would
not have attracted even a third of the attendance we got.

Maybe something that could be pondered, if we ever get conditions
similar to this years' (i.e. having JRSL, a major local general Free
Software conference, starting one day after DebianDay), it would be
even better to merge DebianDay into the other conference, as a series
of talks taking over one of their days. I think most conference
organizers would be most delighted to have it so!

> 3) Before deciding anything, think if it's really worth it.  We don' t
> seem to be able to attract the "Decision Makers" that we state that
> come to DebianDay.  Only Debian users, and not many of them.

I also think that holding DebianDay as part of a bigger conference,
just taking advantage of the number of debianers around there, would
be even better. OTOH, maybe the name is not very well chosen -
DebianDay sounds interesting if Debian is interesting to you. But we
want to attract more people for whom we are not yet interesting


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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