
On Wednesday 05 March 2008 19:30, Herman Robak wrote:
> Recently back from FOSDEM2008 (Brussels) and LAC2008 (Cologne),
> I have a couple of points that ought to be checked out for the
> DC2008 venue.

Thanks for summarizing them here. 

>       Helping the speakers prepare legible slides
> There should be some kind of service for the speakers to let them see
> how well their slides survive VGA to DV scan conversion, followed by
> compression to 320x240 Theora.

That's quite easy to test: just switch your resolution to 800x600 or better 
yet, 640x480. This not only makes sure, people watching (low quality) live 
streams can read the slides, but also people in the audience sitting behind 
the third row. (And the same is of course true for live demos instead of 


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