On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 10:15:48AM +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:
> Just an update on my situation: my ADSL is still not
> working, I'm going to be on the phone to them most of this
> evening but I don't anticipate a swift response. I have
> dial-up but it's not really adequate for anything more than
> reading mail.
> There are some loose ends regarding accommodation-related
> questions. I will leave messages that need a reply in the
> mbox in svn dc7/accommodation/mbox ; I'll flag the ones I
> intended to reply to but haven't managed.
> If anyone is feeling particularly charitable and they could
> keep an eye on that box that would be fantastic: I can do
> some triage on it at work but not much.
> Furthermore if anyone wants to be on the receiving end of
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] too, they'd better ask Ganneff.
> -- 
> Jon Dowland
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Sorry for wimping, but I'm swamped with revision, and have been for the
last week or so. So I'm in the same state as Jon - long annoying vac
in which only a little work can be done. 

I'll try and sort out accom at some point, but I don't see when its
going to happen. Is getting it done by next monday fine for people? 

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