Gah, things are getting complicated...

We have quite a few odds and sods that need transport up to EDI for
Debconf that I know of:

 * me (!) and Ben (IIRC)
 * d-uk Ts / maybe debconf Ts
 * Dave Noble has a mixing desk and assorted kit that I've offered to take
 * (maybe) some switches / other network gear
 * (I'm sure there'll be other stuff)

I'm expecting to head up the first Saturday for Debcamp and to help
set up, either in a car or a hired van so I can bring the appropriate
stuff with me. I was also maybe thinking about hiring a minibus for
that trip, but I don't think it's worth it/justified at this point.


I'm flying to Wales on Sat 23rd, then thinking of heading straight
home to Cambridge on the 24th. That makes a bit of a mess of my
initial plans. ThDaniel!

What other things are likely to need transport up to Edinburgh for DC?
Who else is likely to be driving, and will they be able to accommodate
stuff on the way back? In fact, if it comes to the crunch - can I
scrounge a lift for me and some stuff up on the first Sat so I don't
need to pay for a hired vehicle? Obviously, I don't really want to
abandon my car up in EDI... :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.

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