César Gómez Martín dijo [Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 11:59:46AM +0100]:
> Hello everybody.
> Some of you probably know me but I am going to introduce myself.
> My name is César Gómez Martín and I work as a gnuLinEx [0] developer
> for the regional goverment of Extremadura aka Junta de Extremadura.
> We have been sponsoring and organizing the International Free Software
> Meeting since 2004 [1], the Debian Work Sessions of Extremadura in
> 2006 [2] and a lot of free software related meetings and conferences
> since 2000.
> What a want with this mail is to let you know that the goverment of
> Extremadura is interested in holding a Debian Conference in 2009 or
> whenever it would be possible. And we would like to know all the
> details we need to know to apply for it.

Hi, Cesar!

I'm very glad work towards DC9 starts flowing. It seems still like a
long way from now - and in a sense, it is. DC9 _might_ be in Spain if
you push forward your proposal, and it sounds just perfectly logical
for me. I suppose you know Amaya Rodrigo - She lives in the Madrid
area, and has been involved in Debconf organization for several years,
she can surely point you at some of the things to keep an eye
on. Right now it's a bit late in the organization cycle IMHO to really
get involved with DC7's organization - but don't let that distract
you. Read this list, stick around at our meetings, keep notes on
what's needed. I expect we will start getting more DC9 offers in the
next 6 months, and (if we keep this year's calendar) in ~10 months we
will be discussing/choosing what of the options will be the best.

What details do we need? The easiest for you will be to look at the
list archives, to see the work that led both to Edinburgh's and
Argentina's candidacys to win. Yes, even the flamewars ;-)

Anyway, welcome on board, expect to work a lot ;-)

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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