Hello everybody.

Some of you probably know me but I am going to introduce myself.

My name is César Gómez Martín and I work as a gnuLinEx [0] developer
for the regional goverment of Extremadura aka Junta de Extremadura.

We have been sponsoring and organizing the International Free Software
Meeting since 2004 [1], the Debian Work Sessions of Extremadura in
2006 [2] and a lot of free software related meetings and conferences
since 2000.

What a want with this mail is to let you know that the goverment of
Extremadura is interested in holding a Debian Conference in 2009 or
whenever it would be possible. And we would like to know all the
details we need to know to apply for it.

Thanks for your appreciated work.


[0] gnuLinEx is a Debian based distro used and developed by the
regional goverment of Extremadura.
[1] http://www.freesoftwareworldconference.com/
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/WorkSessionsExtremadura
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