
On Wednesday 26 July 2006 11:11, Fabian Fagerholm wrote:
> The claim that Andreas has failed to lead the team has gone undisputed
> for too long. A few vocal persons have used this as an argument to
> radically restructure the DebConf organisation. So far, the
> restructuring seems to have failed, because there is now even less
> clarity about who is on the team or not, in a leadership position or
> not. The focus is on repeating "we are disappointed" without any notion
> of who "we" are, and what "we" did or didn't do to contribute to this
> state of affairs.

I absolutly don't think this ("whining") is where the focus is. I also 
strongly object to the notion "debconf organisation is a mess or failure 

Sure, we have a discussion about the failures at debconf6 and in the team 
(leadership) and whatnot. 

Sure, there is a list of things to be done for debconf6.

But, we also have a commited local team for debconf6, we have more people 
involved in the general organisation atm, in the last meeting we have started 
defining how the team(s) should work and what debconfs goals are, we have a 
tighter relationsship with debian (and maybe even SPI as a continuous legal 
body), we have a list of priorities and a process for choosing venues, and we 
have a number of bids for holding debconf8 and 9 already.

And as we also have the above mentioned problems, $life after debconf and 
whatnot, not everything is going smoothly and not everything is clear. But as 
I see it, it's not at all real bad. There is "just" some confusion and some 
work to do.

> In the end, it appears that Andreas has been selected as the culprit.
> Has he made mistakes? Of course. But to map the failures of DebConf6
> onto him alone is simply hiding your head in the sand. DebConf is a team
> effort. When it fails, the failure is due to the team, not a single
> person.

I completly agree, but I think the last sentence is not needed here: debconf 
did not fail :-)

> I'd like to know what tasks people still have pending from DebConf6, and
> what you all think we should do about them.

> What is the minimal set of tasks that must be done to bring DebConf6 to
> a (legal) conclusion?

I'll go on now with Fabians original mail which started this thread:

> Here is a list of such tasks that I am aware of:
>       * The Final Report
>               * originally my task, now a total uncertainty since a
>                 number of aspects were undecided and it's unknown what
>                 the current goals are.

Fabian, what is uncertain to you? I firmly believe we should come up with such 
a report again, as it's very helpful to give to sponsors and it's also a way 
to mention those sponsors in the news again.

>       * Sponsor packages/bags
>               * intended to be sent to sponsors along with a copy of the
>                 Final Report
>               * last known location (to my knowledge) of materials is
>                 with Gunnar; intended to be shipped to me for assembly
>                 and coordinated delivery to the sponsors.

What's in those bags? Just the bags the participants got (plus final report) 
or something else?

>       * A financial report
>               * presumably to go with the book-keeping of DebConf6, as
>                 required (?) by Mexican authorities, other authorities
>                 and/or sponsors,
>               * of which a summary was to be included in the sponsor
>                 packages.

AFAIK the budget has been in subversion and on paper. AFAIK the papers are at 
Gunnar and Gabi, and they will need to come up with the numbers, or make the 
report themselves or send the papers to someone else to do the work.

>       * Reimbursements
>               * which I don't know the status of, and which are perhaps
>                 only lacking an informational message to an appropriate
>                 forum,
>               * the amounts of which would be included in the financial
>                 report.

AFAIK Jörg / the sponsorship team has a pretty good overview on this.


> What is the minimal set of tasks that must be done to bring DebConf6 to
> a (legal) conclusion?

I would say:
        - financial report
        - reimburstments
        - final report
        - a press release to announce the final report

Videos are obviously very very nice to have (and I intend to finish this 
properly..) - but IMO they are not requiered to legally end debconf6.

To track these four tasks (or how many we end up with..) I suggest to open 
tickets in the request tracker (rt.debconf.org) and to track the progress of 
them with it (making debconf-team@lists.debconf.org the owner of the 


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