Marcela wrote:
> The translation is quite expensive, its another thing to care
> about...I would suggest somebody to do it as gwolf said, or maybe move
> that talk to debconf and leave a free space in debian day...I think I
> can still find some spanish talk to fill the space.

I also volunteer to do simultaneous translation, as a backup for gunnar
if he gets tired (this can be really tiring, even just an hour talk). 

But, still there is a couple of issues:
1 - I guess the equipment is going to be really expensive anyway.
2 - I hope my (Spanish from Spain) accent is ok for the audience.

 .''`.   I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think
: :' :   I have ended up where I needed to be   -- Douglas Adams
`. `'           Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
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