Andreas Schuldei dijo [Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 11:49:29AM +0100]:
> i would suggest to outsource that work to the participants.
> we should try to get pre-perforated paper in the proper format
> (if it costs a bit, ok, it is worth the saved work), and
> personalize and colorcode the single tickets.
> we can easily create print jobs to print food tickets per person
> per day per meal. (the per person is a bit awkward and wont be
> looked at in detail when "paying" but might help
> to track irregularities).
> Now the hard part: find the properly perforated paper. 
> i would like one a4 (or letter/legal, dont care!) to contain all
> the food tickets for one person. That person gets the printed
> sheet and can rip off the proper tickets himself.

Ok, sounds good. Nadezhda has printed some posters with tear-off
tickets, so she knows who to face for this kind of tasks ("suaje" in
Spanish). Nadezhda: Do you remember how expensive this was? Could the
suajador give us only about 500-1000 sheets? 

We can make the tickets be any size we need. And I like your idea, we
just print them in our regular printer, personalized and all.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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