Just checked, and luckily it seems Ubuntu LTS uses GPG 2.2 - when I saw
this, was worried my key would have been made incorrectly, but should be

This is all new to me :)

On Wed, Jul 24, 2024, 10:19 PM Justus Winter <jus...@sequoia-pgp.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Carlos Henrique Lima Melara <charlesmel...@riseup.net> writes:
> > Last year I did a small workshop explaining the basics of GPG and
> > asymetric cryptography to newcomers and helped them to create their
> > own GPG key so they could join our keysigning party.
> If you want to create a new OpenPGP key with GnuPG, please make sure to
> use GnuPG version 2.2.x (i.e. the version available in Debian), not
> 2.4.x (i.e. the version available in Ubuntu, Fedora, and some other more
> yolo distributions).
> If you use GnuPG 2.4.x or newer, you risk creating a non-compliant key,
> i.e. not an OpenPGP key, but a GnuPG key.
> Best,
> Justus

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