
Carlos Henrique Lima Melara <charlesmel...@riseup.net> writes:

> Last year I did a small workshop explaining the basics of GPG and
> asymetric cryptography to newcomers and helped them to create their
> own GPG key so they could join our keysigning party.

If you want to create a new OpenPGP key with GnuPG, please make sure to
use GnuPG version 2.2.x (i.e. the version available in Debian), not
2.4.x (i.e. the version available in Ubuntu, Fedora, and some other more
yolo distributions).

If you use GnuPG 2.4.x or newer, you risk creating a non-compliant key,
i.e. not an OpenPGP key, but a GnuPG key.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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