shirish शिरीष wrote:
> With your insight/knowledge I did take the vaccine today as its better
> to take it rather than give opportunity to get sick while traveling
> due to water, something as severe as  "Hepatitis A" which spreads with
> water.

Only if the water is improperly treated, or contaminated, I think.  This
is unlikely an issue on the university campus.

There's some risk of transmission between people though[0] (shared
bathrooms and such?) and it already seems quite common that DebConf
attendees return home with flu or similar.  So, sure, let's share health
and hygeine advice if we can.

> I would suggest to put out a mass e-mail as this in the other
> attendees interest to get vaccinated.

It seems advisable since, at least in the UK, it's free, and after a
follow-up dose you should be immune for 25+ years to infection, or to
returning home and spreading it to others.  Many of us will be
travelling again to other places.

It's best to have this at least 2 weeks before travel, but the vaccine
can be helpful in fighting infection even if you were *already*
exposed[1].  I think I'm having mine tomorrow.


Steven Chamberlain

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