Am Sonntag, den 16.08.2015, 08:21 +0200 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> So I intent to work on my packages again since a long time. Between 
> talks and 
> the phases of rest I intend to grant myself to process everything. 
> Ideally I 
> want to become a DM regarding these packages, of course working in a 
> team 
> where it makes sense (like together with Marc on atop).
> So for this mail: Just thank you! I am happy I decided to challenge 
> myself to 
> go to DebConf with one week of meeting people in person I may have 
> build some 
> preconceptions through mailing list communications before.
> So thank you to Andreas, Francesca and Enrico, but also to all the 
> members of 
> the organization and video team for making DebConf possible.
> Thank you,


I totally second this!

I'm the the first new timer on New to DebConf BOF who told his storry :
Now I'm totally motivated doing stuff for Debian again.
And cared already a bit about the GRUB 2 bugs.
Yours too!

Thanks everyone, to make this Debconf so wonderful!

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