
(Mail will appear a  bit later than creation date of it, cause no WLAN atm.)

I thank you for "Creating a new environment for newcomers" and "New to 
Debconf" BOFs yesterday.

I thought "Wow, this is much on Debconf", thought being overwhelmed. There 
especially the story by vagrant helped me about even shutting down at times on 
his first DebConf. I appear to be highly sensitive – at least its a check, 
check, check, check for me on questionaires regarding HSP –, I perceive much, 
I take in much and so it is a lot of new impressions for me and I may have 
been shortly before shutting down myself yesterday.

Also the mentoring of the month thing Andreas mentioned: I thought I could 
use something like this. Even on a smaller scale of working on my existing 
packages while being able to ask questions where I am stuck.

So now I feel motivation again to unstuck some of my packaging work I left 
alone after having felt frustrated about some experiences I had during the 
high phase of systemd related discussions after which I even unsubscribed from 
debian-devel (still unsubscribed there). I didn´t work on Debian packaging 
since then.

I already started to find out that even after all my experiences I 
still see Debian as the distro I prefer, want to use and want to contribute 
too, but I am now also slowly realizing that Debian as a project of people may 
be more inclusive of inviting new people to it than I thought and that my 
impressions I got from mailing list participation are just a part of the 
picture and may very well be biased by the way of communicating there. That my 
work doesn´t need to be perfect initially and I am invited to just ask about 
ways to improve it. I will do so in another mail.

So I intent to work on my packages again since a long time. Between talks and 
the phases of rest I intend to grant myself to process everything. Ideally I 
want to become a DM regarding these packages, of course working in a team 
where it makes sense (like together with Marc on atop).

So for this mail: Just thank you! I am happy I decided to challenge myself to 
go to DebConf with one week of meeting people in person I may have build some 
preconceptions through mailing list communications before.

So thank you to Andreas, Francesca and Enrico, but also to all the members of 
the organization and video team for making DebConf possible.

Thank you,
Debconf-discuss mailing list

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