On 10 September 2014 11:37, Mika Pflüger <deb...@mikapflueger.de> wrote:
> Note that for the next DebConf the legal situation is more complicated
> as Germany has much more strict "rights to the own image" than most
> other countries (see e.g.
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recht_am_eigenen_Bild, in German). I am
> not a lawyer and haven't dealt a lot with German image law, but in
> Germany it is definitely not as clear-cut as elsewhere, even in public
> spaces.

Thanks for bringing this up, this only reinforces that we actually
must come up with something before next year.

My reading of the law is that even in a public setting people
photographed must give some kind of consent before the photo can be
published in any way. From photography forums I read that in public
events this is usually handed by a broadcast notification either on
tickets or as signs notifying people that they may be photographed at
this event and the photos will be published in such and such ways and
that they consent to that by participating in the event.

We might have to start with such broad statement to provide proper
legal foundation before carving out private spaces on top of that.

BTW: my reading is that Swiss have almost the exact same law which was
likely violated at DC13

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigar...@debian.org
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