Manuel Flores dijo [Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:24:14AM -0600]:
> That is an appropiate task to pursuit as long as we don't add more
> tasks to the debconf local team, i agree. We need to manage the effort
> to make activities for children even if only a few members of this
> thread assist.
> So count with me.

I only skimmed through this mail, as I have currently sporadic-only
network access, and too much pending mail to process.

I think this proposal is important and might bring many people to
DebConf who would not attend otherwise, or might allow some parents in
Debian to spend more vacation time with their family, which leads to a
happy Debian corpus, and is great. Even more in the setting of Le
Camp, which is perfect for that

However, I fear the effort might be too hard, and -want it or not-
part of it will fall upon the shoulder of the DC13 locals. This time,
also, there are no "locals" in the strict sense of the term. Also,
being it Switzerland, I fear that saying we will have a childcare-like
activity, we have to take care of the legal issues.

Also, from a more practical side: It would be great to have somebody
giving activities to the kids. Regina and I were part of a Scouts-like
non-formal education group, and we were both "guides" of children. She
even told me she could be in such a team. However... What about
language barriers? Can a Spanish-and-English-only speaker provide
activities to a German-speaking five year old child?

What about age differences? We do have several parents in the group
who can be interested in this, but maybe not enough to have a large
enough group of children of compatible ages.

About accomodation: Not counting camping, we have space for 325 people
in Le Camp. Being in Central Europe, it is not impossible that we get
that number of attendees. Can we dare to provide lodging, possibly
against our desired attendance?

I'd love this initiative to come to fruition. But we have to look at
all possible downsides.

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