On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 05:42:35AM +0200, Hector Oron wrote:
> Premises:
>   0. I do not think creating yet another mailing list, project,
> infrastructure, ... is really needed.
>   1. debian...@lists.debian.org, a.k.a.
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-jr/, holds very low traffic.
>   2. debconf-team must need to coordinate in some aspects with
> debian-jr for debconf organization.
> Therefore, I propose:
>   0. Use mailing list listed in premises 1. to develop didactic
> methods to teach kids during a week parallel to DebConf, any needed
> software can be discussed and finally uploaded to Debian archive if
> needed for activities going on there. That might help to revive
> debian-jr project.
>   1. When approaching DebConf, debian-jr must coordinate with DebConf
> team, trying to avoid any overhead on DebConf team, DebConf kids camp
> status updates should be discussed in debconf-team,  or announced in
> debconf-announce.

I like the plan even if "debian-jr must coordinate with DebConf team"
does not reflect the reality: Whoever steps into debian-jr *becomes*
debian-jr itself (because there does not seem to be any such thing like
debian-jr team any more).  So if those people are DebConfIstas that's
perfectly fine and I would like this plan very much but it just would be
an internal coordination (as long as no new rush from outside would be

Kind regards


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