Quoting Sami Liedes (sami.lie...@iki.fi):

> In 2009, I was killed after the game had already ended, so I did not
> confirm the kill. The organizers decided to confirm it without asking
> from me instead. This in fact changed the winner of the game (which
> wouldn't have been me either way). When I complained on the mailing
> list, I was told that the rules do not matter, because it's only a
> game.
> After that, I have not played.
Well, nobody has, as there has been to game at DC10 or 11.

The best I can pomise is that the game *will* get attention and I
commit myself to do the best for a fair game.

I keep standing with my answer to Wouter: sure, more "visible" persons
have harder times, that's part of the game but, from my own
experience, I can tell this is also part of the fun..:-)... And
seeking an unknown target while still trying him|her to not notice
that you're after him|her is also fun. Ask some of my targets to learn
how I managed to catch them.:-). One of them keeps offering me great
venezuelan Ron at every DebConf.

Really, the more players we have, the best is the game. Wouter, Sami,
(re)consider joining..:)

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