On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 12:32:09PM -0600, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> This only reinforces my resolve not to participate in assassins, even
> though I like the game quite much.
> In 2007, I was killed before my target had even arrived. That sucked.
> In 2008, I was killed before I even knew the game had started. I guess
> it must've been about 5 minutes after opening. That sucked even more.

In 2009, I was killed after the game had already ended, so I did not
confirm the kill. The organizers decided to confirm it without asking
from me instead. This in fact changed the winner of the game (which
wouldn't have been me either way). When I complained on the mailing
list, I was told that the rules do not matter, because it's only a

After that, I have not played.

Also it seemed to me that players have had a vastly different notion
of what consists a valid kill. That late kill was made in a busy
hacklab while I was talking with other people, lightly touching with a
sock so well hidden that nobody of those I was talking to noticed and,
in fact, it took me a quite a while to understand what this assassin


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