On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 01:50:03PM -0600, Felix Delattre wrote:
> Dear DebConf12 attendees,
I'm just adding some extra information 

== DebConf12 Arriving process ==

We recommend that you start by going to your hotel; if you are in the DebConf
hotels and using the shuttle service you will arrive there anyway. You can leave
your bags, take a shower, relax and then walk to the venue. Please check the map
for better orientation: http://debconf12.debconf.org/map.xhtml

The hotel will have a list of DebConf room allocations -- please tell
them your name and help them find it on the list! 

The Front Desk will be located in the hacklab building (Xabier
Gorostiaga) -- when you arrive on the campus, you should go there and
register. If the university security staff ask you something, just tell
them that you are going to DebConf and they will let you in for the
first time to get your badge.

If you are bringing cheese, the hotel rooms do not have a
mini-bar/fridge, but don't panic, you can label your cheese and give it
to the hotel's reception people, and they will store it in a safe place
for you.


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