On Thu, 26 May 2011 13:14:08 +0200, Dejan Marjanovic 
<dejan.marjano...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mr Hands, please call +387 65 410 896 (Lyubisha Shestich), and ask him
> if he we are breaking any copyrights.
> This map is just an extract, it is not complete, copyrighted product.
> But I'm not that familiar with copyrights, so I can be wrong.

No problem, that's why we're trying to sort this out.

> If you don't need this sort of website, that is fine by me.

Please try not to take offence -- I was never criticising the web site,
only the provenance of the data behind it, which seems like something
that it should be entirely possible to fix.  If you're saying that the
owner of that map is Lyubisha Shestich, and he is happy for it to be
used thus, that that's fine too -- we should probably have some form of
notice crediting him though and declaring his copyright.

Note that I'm also not saying that OSM's data is perfect -- for example,
the road that runs to the south of Banski Dvor is marked as a pedestrian
road in OSM.  Looking at the Bing imagery, there are cars on it,
apparently waiting at traffic lights.  This is why the road is rendered
narrower for these two blocks:


I'm guessing that that's wrong.  If it is, it will mislead people when
they try to use that data for routing on their garmin's etc.

Of course, the map behind debcont11.com also seems to be equally
inaccurate (it's difficult to say which is less accurate, never having
been there).

The difference is, that when people notice things wrong with the OSM
data, they're in a position to fix them, so the OSM map is pretty much
bound to be the better of the two fairly soon, especially if we give it
a bit more exposure.

I'm guessing that it should also be possible to make it zoomable more
easily with OSM than with the other map, as all the zoom levels have
been rendered already for you, which might be useful if zooming is
possible with the site, since it's very crowded with POIs at the moment.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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