For late subscribers to debconf-discuss....or to people who might
benefit from a reminder in order to *think* about bringing stuff for
the Cheese&Wine party, please allow me to quote myself:

> As all Debconfs since Debconf5, Debconf10 will feature a social event
> based on cheese.
> That event is traditionnally named "Cheese and Wine party". The
> schedule is not completely secured, but we expect it to happen either
> on Aug. 2nd (Monday) or Aug. 3rd (Tuesday), after dinner.
> Still, as usual, the event is first meant to share as many cheese from
> the world as people, accompanied by some wine. It also happens that
> "some" people bring other various liquids from their country, most of
> these containing various amounts of ethanol. Let's call this a side
> effect.
> The main point of the even is about *sharing*. It means that
> participants are expected to try bringing "material" for the party:
> most of the time cheese from your
> country/state/region/village/canton/province/kolkhoze/community/etc. but
> often wine or, indeed, any other "very good stuff that can be eaten
> and is typical from your place".
> Of course, this is Debian: nobody will force you to bring something in
> order to participate. That may be difficult for some people, or even
> impossible...but, at least, *try* to do it!
> Debconf being held in the United States of America, where import
> regulations have the reputation to be fairly strict, some of you might
> be scared by bringing stinking, smelly and improbable milk
> derivative....and have to leave it at customs in ${airport}.
> From investigations we made up to now, importation of cheese in USA is
> not strictly forbidden but sometimes restricted for some varieties of
> cheese. The most accurate indication we could find was about cured and
> half cured cheese being allowed while non cured cheese (such as
> cottage cheese) being prohibited.
> Apparently, in en_US, "half-cured" means something along the line of
> French camembert and cured is meant for about any cheese that's
> "hard". So, it's not really about age, but about "hardness".
> Official documents we found (thanks to Jimmy Kaplowitz who did some
> investigation) didn't mention whether "pasteurized/unpasteurized"
> status is important or not. Of course, pasteurized cheese is a sin but
> I'd recommend having the word printed on the cheese box, in order to
> be sure.
> As example for cheese lovers, here are French cheese I can think about
> bringing:
> Rocamadour, Morbier, Brie de Meaux, Trappe d'Echourgnac, Brocciu,
> Picodon, Tomme de Savoie, Reblochon, Cantal, Ossau-Iraty..and of course a
> Pouligny-St-Pierre and a Camembert
> Some I would *not* bring:
> Maroilles, Vieux Lille, Neufchatel, Cancoillote, Cabécou, Bleu
> d'Auvergne...
> (hint for French cheese names: 
> 'zgrep -i -E "The.*release" /usr/share/doc/passwd/changelog.Debian.gz')
> So, please think about it. You *can* bring something. And, yes,
> there's room for that in your suitcase. Just drop 1 or 2 t-shirts and
> all these neat electronic gadgets you think you need....and make room
> for a box of "good stuff".
> This year, and following a recent discussion in one of Debian mailing
> list, a side event of C&W will be a "your beer is better than mine"
> party. In short, along with cheese and hopefully wine from your place,
> it's not forbidden to bring some good beer that you think would
> qualify in a beer contest.
> This is indeed a special challenge for citizens of United States of
> America who have to convince the rest of the world that, no, not every
> US beer tastes like Budweiser. So, well, remove 1 or 2 more t-shirts,
> or bring a larger suitcase|backpack and make room for a good beer!
> We will manage to find a place to store material even for those of you
> who come early, for Debcamp. Not being able to find a fridge in USA
> would be a shame, right?
> This year, DC10 organizers even contacted me in advance about the C&W
> and we are already planning logisitics for it: location, material such
> as plates, tables, knives, corkscrews, etc. Specific thanks to
> Michelle Lynn Hall who is already counting and planning stuff over
> there along with Richard Darst.
> So, in short, please think about what you could bring over there as
> you consider packing your stuff. Debconf^H^H^H^HCamp starts in a
> little bit more than 2 weeks, so it is time!
> I'm definitely sure that one will be  legen...wait for it...dary!
> A still generic wiki page already exists at
> I'll enhance it in the upcoming days. Of course, please feel free to
> help in maintaining it. For instance, "registering" yourself there, if
> you intend to bring something will help me in figuring out if I have
> to enter panic mode or if we have enough stuff for a good party.

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