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On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 08:53:45PM -0300, gregor herrmann wrote:

[from the protocol file]

> zack: We are not allowed to generate debian/control

This is not entirely true.

We are not allowed to let debian/control be generated by _default_.

It is similar to the "maintainer-mode" in automake/autoconf: normal 
builds must never change debian/control, but there is nothing wrong in 
generating it as part of our internal packaging routines, before 
releasing the final packaging.

Kernel team generates debian/control using custom scripts.  I believe it 
is automatically generated whenever some of the other static files below 
debian/ changes - and as a safety measure, the regeneration routine 
causes the build to break, to ensure no surprises with autobuilders.

I generate debian/control in some 80+ packages using custom extensions 
to cdbs (which I hope to soon make an official part of cdbs).  My 
approach is to set DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 to allow auto-updating the 
control file from a control.in and some variables.  With this approach 
it is possible even to setup private autobuilders pulling directly from 
a VCS, updating control file and building test packages - only by adding 
that flag to the environment inside the autobuilder.

If interested, have a look at one of the most recent updated packages 
that I participate in packaging. A good example (because iis packaging 
is otherwise pretty simple) is sugar-journal-activity.

  - Jonas

- -- 
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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