On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 08:41:29 +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> > I'm attaching the only slightly edited notes to this mail;
> It seems you've missed the attachment :)

Oops, thanks for spotting this.
I'm trying again ...
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Best practices in team package maintenance, part 2

16th August, 2008 - Mar del Plata, Argentina

Gregor Herrmann presents objectives:

- Concrete proposals for the collected ideas
- Roadmap

Topics for discussion:
- (meta) communication around this topic?
- Recruitment, induction, mentoring of new members
- workflows/policies/tools - common "standards" documentation
- Maintainers v uploaders
- compilation of tools
- roadmap


Communication around this topic?

lucas: Document in developer-reference. Wiki not a good idea.
zack: Use debian-devel for mailing list.
lucas: There is already a section in the developers reference.

PowerMan: IRC seen as a problem for decision-making - fast, but not
an3as: IRC meetings possible (once a month with a fixed agenda, minutes).
fdl: IRC has lack of data after discussions: need IRC logs as web pages.
PowerMan: DebConf team has some software [Holger's bot probably] for this;
 needs someone to chair.
gwolf: IRC good for following conversation, not good for documenting.

Maintainers and uploaders

diocles: Put mailing list in maintainers
lucas: bts about to send reports to uploaders as well.
zack: Not all mailing lists have the same [sane] configuration.
lucas: someone should talk to the admins
zack: standardizing on mailing list would be good, but there was not
 consensus last time we tried this (three years ago).
lucas: Receiving mails 3 times is a pain ...
gregoa: If group is in Uploaders, we must be sure that bugs go to the group.
lucas: The only group who does put the list in Uploaders is Ruby, and they
 subscribe the list address to the BTS.
lucas: In the past, nobody cared about some packages -> responsible person
 in Maintainer
gwolf: This can be solved by having policy that at least one person must be in
zack: Point of Maintainers is contact point for the users.
gwolf: In pkg-perl, when someone leaves, he doesn't have to orphan packages.
 Touching any package in perl group leads to adding self to Uploaders and
 taking responsibility.
lucas: Will we manage to standardize on Maintainer being the team?
gregoa: Can be a model of good practice.
lucas: Should have easily available the GNOME tool to generate Uploaders
 from changelog
zack: Not sure that everybody will agree on using such a tool, but it should
 be made available.


gregoa: Do we need a package for common tools?
lucas: I don't like the idea of using devscripts for this - it's large.
zack: You are assuming that it is to be used as a build dependency.
gregoa: There are two possibilities: build dependency or not.
zack: Do we have any other tools?
gregoa: The perl group at least has a few scripts, and other groups will
 have some.
lucas: pkg-gnome has a cdbs rule.
zack: We are not allowed to generate debian/control
zack: Wants something to perform actions on many packages.

gwolf: repository-wide changes with tools can afect alioth, so changes must
 preferably be done as one commit.

zack: Separate binary package in devscripts.
lucas: It's important that people realise that it's easy to get tools into
 devscripts, not write wrappers around them.

zack: It doesn't make sense to ship web-based tools in a package for a
 desktop machine.
gregoa: Also been talking about DDPO and DEHS, don't know if there's a
 decision yet on that.
lucas: Depends on how UDD turns out, because it would make writing these
 tools very easy. We are not far from that, maybe a few weeks. UDD is going
 to move to a faster machine.
gregoa: Like the idea of having a central storage for this data.
lucas: Need a list of all the tools in use by all the teams, and their
 features, and then these can go into UDD.
gregoa: Send pointers to me if you have not done so already.
an3as: Does anyone know about Tincho's uscan-ng?
lucas: There are bugs in Tincho's code compared to dkpg, and previous
 implementations which work.

lucas: Send a mail to d-d-l with a report about this BOF, and ask people to
 mail pointers to tools to you.
zack: Afterwards can use debian-qa to discuss..

Documenting workflows

gwolf: We don't have much to argue on this topic, we just have to do it.
gregoa: But if all teams do it in different ways...
gwolf: This is geared towards explaining to other humans, so there aren't many
zack: Wiki page should be pointed to in the developers reference.


lucas: There are several problems: getting people interested in debian
 development, and then getting them interested in teams. If you are interested
 in debian development, you don't need to have a specific thing to package,
 you can just come and join a team.
PowerMan: I was trying to join a group, and asked on IRC: they told me to
 start closing bugs. Web documentation was helpful, but not a lot. Had to start
 browsing all the bugs; group was not thinking about training people to do
zack: If you are part of a team and want to mentor someone, you can tag bugs as
 "gift". Encouraging NMs to join teams is a really good idea; brings us back
 to the problem of knowing which teams are in Debian. Also hard to find out
 what each team needs from new people.
gregoa: Does any team have a structured approach for the induction of new
 members? - No.
gregoa: People then need to be welcomed.
an3as: Does anyone have any good experiences with keeping wikis up to date?
 - No.


gregoa: First, send out minutes.
 Then pointers to tools. Deadline of two/three weeks.
an3as: Have we got Sledge's survey information?
zack: No, it was private to the DPL.
lucas: Don't set a deadline - people will wait until the last minute.

gregoa: Thanks everyone! I really like working in teams, and especially in
 this sort of meta-team.
lucas: Perhaps we can have a meeting at Extremadura.
zack: Might be of relevance to a QA meeting.

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