El jue, 07-02-2008 a las 11:07 -0600, Gunnar Wolf escribió:
> César Gómez Martín dijo [Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 08:48:34AM +0000]:
> > > One should also remember that "cheese party" generally means "cheese
> > > AND WINE party", which generally extends to "cheese and wine and
> > > anything containing ethanol" party.
> > >
> > > Are there specific regulations about importing food products in ARG?ç
> > 
> > The cheese have to be sealed and the label should say that the milk
> > has been pasteurized.
> > I lost one cheese last time I was there ;)
> Mon dièu! And does pasteurized milk properly rot^Wferment into a tasty
> but smelly cheese?
> Now, most countries have some import regulations regarding bottled
> ethanolic imports. How is it in Argentina?

I'm sending this question to some regulatory agencies here in Argentina
and I am waiting for the answers. 



Juan A. Diaz

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