Christian Perrier wrote:
> I know this may sound a little bit rude or inappropriate to send such
> a call, but please let me explain the context why I finally decided to
> do this anyway.
> Pema Geyleg, the lead developer of the DzongkhaLinux distribution
> (distribution developed for use in Bhutan), was planned to attend
> Debconf and present their project as "Bhutan's journey to free software".
> (see
> However, for visa reasons, he could not make it to Scotland. 
> Il will however attempt to hold this talk on his behalf, with the
> indirect help of Frans Pop. That will happen on Sat 24th, 09:45BST,
> Basement Talk Room).
> The talk will indeed be attended through video stream by the staff in
> Bhutan's Department of Information and Technology and we hope some
> interaction with them (as much as allowed by the low bandwidth in the
> country).
> For that reason, I'd be delighted if attendees of the conference do
> their best to show up and attend that talk. That would indeed be the
> best sign to give from the Debian Project that we are really
> interested in this Dzongkha Linux project (which indeed gave Debian
> much coverage all over the world).
> Please note that, for unfortunate reasons, the talk collides with the
> "Social Comittee" Bof, which may drive several proeminent members in
> the project. I however still have a hope that some of you will be
> interested anyway..:-)
> PS: also expect a few nice pictures from the place over there. For
> sure, we didn't went in space, but that still deserves some attention...

Is not like everybody is called Mark...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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