I know this may sound a little bit rude or inappropriate to send such
a call, but please let me explain the context why I finally decided to
do this anyway.

Pema Geyleg, the lead developer of the DzongkhaLinux distribution
(distribution developed for use in Bhutan), was planned to attend
Debconf and present their project as "Bhutan's journey to free software".
(see http://www.debian.org/News/2006/20060719)

However, for visa reasons, he could not make it to Scotland. 

Il will however attempt to hold this talk on his behalf, with the
indirect help of Frans Pop. That will happen on Sat 24th, 09:45BST,
Basement Talk Room).

The talk will indeed be attended through video stream by the staff in
Bhutan's Department of Information and Technology and we hope some
interaction with them (as much as allowed by the low bandwidth in the

For that reason, I'd be delighted if attendees of the conference do
their best to show up and attend that talk. That would indeed be the
best sign to give from the Debian Project that we are really
interested in this Dzongkha Linux project (which indeed gave Debian
much coverage all over the world).

Please note that, for unfortunate reasons, the talk collides with the
"Social Comittee" Bof, which may drive several proeminent members in
the project. I however still have a hope that some of you will be
interested anyway..:-)

PS: also expect a few nice pictures from the place over there. For
sure, we didn't went in space, but that still deserves some attention...

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